Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Top Skill Youll Need to Grow Your Career

The Top Skill Youll Need to Grow Your Career When you think of leaders, â€Å"empathy† might not be the word that comes to mind first. Yet many companies find that developing a more intuitive connection with their employees and customers is improving their bottom lines. Companies that respond to needs (rather than demographics alone) are able to focus on providing a service, rather than just a product. It’s not about the touchy-feely notions of empathy that we often see, but rather perceptiveness. This is just as relevant within a company’s walls. Employees who show emotional intelligence and empathy are often promoted and recognized because they deliver what the company (or customers) want. These are life skills that can be fine-tuned into helpful business skills.Here’s how to apply a more empathetic bent to your career growth.Anticipate workplace needsThis doesn’t mean you should fetch coffee for your boss. But you should look at your projects and goals- what are they supposed to achieve? Wh at service do they provide to your boss, your team, your company?Ask for feedbackAsk your manager for a progress report of sorts, or set up a time to talk about your progress on a particular goal. Use your annual performance review to ask questions, and go in-depth on what you’re doing well and what you can change for the coming year. Focus on your achievements, and emphasize how those help your company’s bottom line.Use customer service as a guidePractice by looking around at various companies, both inside and outside of your industry. What do they provide to the public? If it’s a product, what niche does that product fill? What is the company’s relationship to its customers, and what do customers expect?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Government Involvement in the American Economy

Government Involvement in the American Economy As Christopher Conte and Albert R. Karr have noted in  their book,Outline of the U.S. Economy,  the level of government involvement in the American economy has been anything but static. From the 1800s to today, government programs and other interventions in the private sector have changed depending on the political and economic attitudes of the time. Gradually, the governments totally hands-off approach evolved into closer ties between the two entities.   Laissez-Faire to Government Regulation In the early years of American history, most political leaders were reluctant to involve the federal government too heavily in the private sector, except in the area of transportation. In general, they accepted the concept of laissez-faire, a doctrine opposing government interference in the economy except to maintain law and order. This attitude started to change during the latter part of the 19th-century, when small business, farm and labor movements began asking the government to intercede on their behalf. By the turn of the century, a middle class had developed that was leery of both the business elite and the somewhat radical political movements of farmers and laborers in the Midwest and West. Known as Progressives, these people favored government regulation of business practices to ensure competition and free enterprise. They also fought corruption in the public sector. Progressive Years Congress enacted a law regulating railroads in 1887 (the Interstate Commerce Act), and one preventing large firms from controlling a single industry in 1890 (the Sherman Antitrust Act). These laws were not rigorously enforced, however, until the years between 1900 and 1920. These years were when Republican President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), Democratic President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and others sympathetic to the views of the Progressives came to power. Many of todays U.S. regulatory agencies were created during these years, including the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission. New Deal and Its Lasting Impact Government involvement in the economy increased most significantly during the New Deal of the 1930s. The 1929 stock market crash had initiated the most serious economic dislocation in the nations history, the Great Depression (1929-1940). President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) launched the New Deal to alleviate the emergency. Many of the most important laws and institutions that define Americans modern economy can be traced to the New Deal era. New Deal legislation extended federal authority in banking, agriculture and public welfare. It established minimum standards for wages and hours on the job, and it served as a catalyst for the expansion of labor unions in such industries as steel, automobiles, and rubber. Programs and agencies that today seem indispensable to the operation of the countrys modern economy were created: the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates the stock market; the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which guarantees bank deposits; and, perhaps most notably, the Social Security system, which provides pensions to the elderly based on contributions they made when they were part of the workforce. During World War II New Deal leaders flirted with the idea of building closer ties between business and government, but some of these efforts did not survive past World War II. The National Industrial Recovery Act, a short-lived New Deal program, sought to encourage business leaders and workers, with government supervision, to resolve conflicts and thereby increase productivity and efficiency. While America never took the turn to fascism that similar business-labor-government arrangements did in Germany and Italy, the New Deal initiatives did point to a new sharing of power among these three key economic players. This confluence of power grew even more during the war, as the U.S. government intervened extensively in the economy. The War Production Board coordinated the nations productive capabilities so that military priorities would be met. Converted consumer-products plants filled many military orders. Automakers built tanks and aircraft, for example, making the United States the arsenal of democracy. In an effort to prevent rising national income and scarce consumer products from causing inflation, the newly created Office of Price Administration controlled rents on some dwellings, rationed consumer items ranging from sugar to gasoline and otherwise tried to restrain price increases.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Solar Energy - West Village, New York Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Solar Energy - West Village, New York - Essay Example A sensible estimate for the number of institutions in the area would be around 50 maximum, and population expansion would suggest that, although this seems high compared to the knowledge above, this number should be exaggerated when trying to ascertain how much power is needed for the area. It is reported that there are 21567 housing units in the area. This means that this information does not need to be estimated. However, the number should be rounded up to allow for any mistakes to avoid power shortages. The number suggested here is 24000, an approximately 10% markup on the official data. The number of businesses in the area is harder to ascertain. Census data suggests that this there were 2276 businesses in the area in 2008, although this is likely to fluctuate. Again allowing for any mistakes made in other areas, it is suggested that this be rounded up. The suggested number here is 2500, an approximately 10% markup from the official data. The total of each of these areas is 26550 units. This is the number of areas that need to be catered for in calculating the necessary power. However, it is important not to assume that each type of place will use a similar amount of energy, and this needs to be factored into any equations. Official and accurate data for the availability of local fuel in the area was difficult to find directly. Various data suggests that fuel for the area is derived almost exclusively from coal and gas resources, and is distributed to the residents and businesses by various different companies. The price and type of fuel available to you is dependent upon which street you live in within the zipcode. There are very few outages according to the information given by NYISO, which suggests that the actual availability of fuel for the area is very high and unlikely to run out. However, it is important to note that coal and gas are finite resources so the situation relating to the availability of local fuel needs to be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to make prisons economically viable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to make prisons economically viable - Essay Example This has made a negative impact on the private prison industry. The aim of this paper is to analyze private prisons in United States in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. SWOT Analysis During the eighties, the trend in privatization of prisons started and thus, by the nineties, majority of the prisons became private. In the prison industry, private prisons are considered to be the most profitable and lucrative methods of maintaining law and order and at the same time, generating revenues (Shichor, 2002). Correctional Corporation of America and Wackenhut are considered to be the two dominant players in the private prison industry(Logan, 2007). Research suggests that by sentencing one prison, the correctional institution gets large amount of money (Sloane, 2006). However, in the last few years, there has been decline in the private prison industry. Based on the decline and massive expenditure on private prisons, the following analysis has been conducted in for economic ally viable private prisons: Strengths 1. There is no doubt that private prisons are more effective in maintaining law and order as compared to public prisons. 2. Privatization concentrates on providing quality to the prisoners. 3. Private prisons allow business owners to generate higher revenues. 4.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Government Intervention Essay Example for Free

Government Intervention Essay The American government is practically in our everyday lives, including our private lives. The government is basically everything we do. It is the way we work, the reason why we look for a career, the way we eat or drink to conclude, the way we live. Sometimes it is a problem for most citizens but some other times, it is the real reason why they live better and maintain everything they have. The government is the people; it is education, entertainment, peace but can be completely different at certain periods of time. As a prevention from too much government intervention, the people of America have a representative dating since 1773,called the Tea Party Movement. This movement wants the government to stick to the real meaning and intent of the United States Constitution, meaning that the government should not use such law as the Elastic clause. The Tea Party Movement would also like to see the government reducing its speding, lower taxes and reducing the national debt and federal budget deficit. This means in one phrase, relief to the people. And yet, doing so would require more government intervention in our lives. The Tea Party is like the real representative of the people, because it would like to see the government accomplishing everything the people request, which is mostly impossible because to maintain the law, the government has to follow the Constitution. Yet again, some of the government’s interventions are necessary for us, like the famous healthcare and health insurances, the social securities, the military and even the food we eat. The Party thinks we should be left alone to use, organize and regulate our businesses, schools and other utilities. Therefore taking care of our own taxes and national debt. The Party thinks that the government goes too far with the taxation, national spending, and maintenance of public facilities. But surprisingly, it doesn’t disagree with the government totally. It is against the Abortion law in most Sates along with the government. It believes that no fetus should be removed prior to labor term and even if there is a situation of rape-pregnancy, it still believes that the victim hould carry the fetus until the end of the term. But for mostly everything else, the Tea Party Movement and the government still disagree with each other. The Tea Party Movement members believe that the government intervenes too much in the people’s business but yet, not intervening would probably hurt them and they would get mad at the government. 1) â€Å"In reading your article about the Tea Party movement, it is difficult to determine where the party stands on issues. Its members seem to want a strong military, but don’t want to finance it; they don’t like social programs like Medicare, but readily accept their Medicare benefits; they don’t like the federal bailout of our financial markets, but would be angry if the government did nothing and their investments and retirements went down the drain; they want strong border controls, but again don’t want to pay for it. Their thinking is chaotic and dangerous because if we do what they want they are going to be unhappy with the consequences. They are a mass of contradictions. Which explains in one simple sentence that, sometimes the Party exaggerates about what they want or not. The government’s intervention, seen from my point of view is highly necessary for us living under its control. And when I say â€Å"necessary†, I mean in some fields. Let’s state for example, sanitation. The citizens themselves can not really maintain a clean city, therefore we would need the government’s assistance but sometimes, the city governments probably think that they have bigger fish to fry instead of cleaning the streets. Lately, we have been seeing the streets so covered with snow, that they become ice right there. Why? Just because our representative decided that there were too many jobs out there so he cut all of these jobs where people would have to clean the streets from the imprisoning snow. This is a fact of minor intervention in a field where it is necessary. The government should be more active in that field because when it does not give the citizens that kind of help which is necessary to them, it mostly turns against them. As a result of the snow accumulation, you will have accidents, lateness, and people will get a bad perspective of the government. A quick and easy solution would only consist of creating fast and easy jobs where you would have people responsible of cleaning the streets from the snow and would also be very useful to their community and state. This field requires government’s intervention but sometimes, the citizens might pass of its need and you can always have the garbage ollectors to do that but it still is not their responsibility. The next field requires more government intervention than that last one except that it is mostly better taken care of. Nowadays, education is very important. And it has very expanded from how it was two decades ago. This is what Milton Friedman has to say about the government’s intervention in this field and its successful results. 2) â€Å"Education is today largely paid for and almost entirely administered by governmental bodies or non-profit institutions. This situation has developed gradually and is now taken so much for granted that little explicit attention is any longer directed to the reasons for the special treatment of education even in countries that are predominantly free enterprise in organization and philosophy. The result has been an indiscriminate extension of governmental responsibility. † These intelligent details about the new education system explains how education is getting easier to access and how the government plays a big role in its development. Education is so important and necessary that it is mostly paid for by the government itself. Which explains that the government’s intervention in this field is both very necessary and satisfied. From kindergarten to senior year in high school, the government pays millions for one’s education and after that, depending on your parents’ financial status, they will help you pay for college or even pay it for you. This is an example of when the government’s intervention is necessary and satisfying. The government’s intervention is enough in this field because it helps people to get an education which is going to be useful to both the country and the individual. By doing so, the American government gets a better perspective from foreigners and from its own citizens. This kind of resource will always be useful to the country. I believe the government should intervene more in the sanitation field, given the fact that the citizens can not accomplish some actions by themselves. I believe the government should have more workers in the sanitation field because it is necessary to have people cleaning the streets. By doing so, it would be a great advantage for both the state government and its citizens. Reducing by doing so, the multiple incidents and disagreements that would have happen if there were nobody to clean the streets and make it easier for people to circulate in the city. That would give more people an opportunity to pay their bills, put bread on their table, and stay out of trouble also. I think that the government’s intervention in the education field is great, not too much not too less. I am grateful to the fact that the government has to pay for my education given the fact that I would not be capable to pay for it myself. The government pays for education, feed the students and even give them a warm place to be in all day. I personally do not see what else the government could do for its students while giving them this great opportunity of learning something that can be useful for them later in life and giving them a way to put money in their pocket. The government intervention is great in this field and I think it should maintain the status quo until they find a better way to improve the way they educate and instruct the American population, which is by the way very weak compared to some poor countries.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Emotional memory is one of the methods used in Stanislavski’s system. This method is where the actor draws on one of their own personal memories that relates to the situation their character is in. Emotional memory helps the actor to really become the character and portray the emotions the character would be feeling at the time. For example, if your character is grieving you would think of a time when you have grieved and remember how you felt and how you reacted to certain situations at this time. I have used this method during my rehearsal process on several occasions and it works well for me. I feel this method assists to make my performance real and believable. Emotional memory is a big part of method acting, although this method was devised by Stanislavski, Lee Strasberg said, â€Å"Method acting is what all actors have always done whenever they acted well.† (www.methodactingstrasberg.com,11/13). When emotional memory is incorporated into the rehearsal process, the actor really starts to feel the same way that the character would in the given situation. An example of this from Stanislavski’s book ‘An Actor Prepares’ is when an actor is guided through an emotional memory exercise by the director. â€Å"Imagine our amazement when both Tortsov and Rokhmanov told us that, whereas our playing of this exercise used to be indirect, insincere, fresh and true; today it was false, insincere and affective. We were dismayed at such unexpected criticism. We insisted that we really felt what we were doing. â€Å"Of course you were feeling something†, said the director. â€Å"If you were not you would be dead. The point is: what were you seeing? Let us try to disentangle things and to compare your former with your present exercise.† (Stanislavski, 1936: 163-... ...t ways. Once this part of the rehearsal process is complete the actor will know which emotions and feelings work best in the scene and will begin to incorporate emotional memory and the inner monologue. In conclusion to this essay we can say that Stanislavski’s system in the training of the actor and the rehearsal process is effective. The system helps actors to break down their characters gradually and really know the role. Some may even the say that the system helps them to almost become the character. The system has played a significant part in theatre training for many years. It has been used, adapted and interpreted by several practitioners, actors and tutors. For many years to come Stanislavski’s system will still be used in theatre training. Not only is it an effective system it is the past, present and future of theatre training and the rehearsal process.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives in Just 10 Years

Q: How has technology changed in the past 10 years? A: The biggest technology change of the last 10 years is the proliferation of the internet into mainstream society. It started with the widespread adoption of email. From that modest foothold, the internet grew to become what it is today: the de-facto medium for human communication. Q: Why has it changed? A: The internet is a better mousetrap. Before, we had snail mail, telephones, newspapers, encyclopedias, libraries, record albums, radio, television, and movie theaters. All were slow and cumbersome and controlled by a relative minority. The internet is fast, affordable, and widely available. What’s more, it seems to facilitate some innate human desires to share, to be liked, and to be in control of our environment. The internet age is customizable, on-demand, instantaneous. Q: Is it all good? Why or why not? A: Everything is a tradeoff. The internet accelerates many aspects of life, and sometimes that can be a scary thing. However, the good outweighs the bad. Over time the global nature of the internet will help normalize the standard of living around the world. This might be unattractive to prosperous nations in the short term, but in the long term it is good for everyone. Q: What will technology be like 10 years from now? A: Ten years from now we’ll be interacting with devices (and by extension, each other) using sophisticated I/O hardware that tracks our eye movements, senses the motion of our bodies, and possibly even reads our thoughts. It sounds like science fiction, but there are companies who are already competing in these areas. In terms of output, I would not be the least bit surprised to see advances in sense areas that are currently ignored – i. e. taste, touch and smell. It might be more than 10 years out, but when I can download a venti house blend from Starbucks. com, I’ll know we’re making real progress.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Plato’s Attack on Poetry

Poetry In order to understand Plato's attack on poetry we have to take in consideration the political and social context of Athens at that time. It was the context where Plato devoted all his efforts to uplift the moral condition of the individuals and the well being of the state. The aim of his literary criticism was to educate the youth and form them into good citizens of his ideal state. It was the age of political decline and the moral and educational standard of the citizens were in a poor state. The epics of Homer were very much rooted in every sphere of the society, and the influence of the poets on the society was too deep. Plato being a philosopher, to prove the superiority of the philosophy, he severely attacked poetry. Apart from poetry he criticized every other form of arts. Plato’s concepts on art were base son his Theory of Ideas. He believed that ideas are the ultimate reality. The ideas of everything are the original pattern and the things are the copies. So he viewed all forms of art as merely copies of copy, twice moved from reality. Things itself being imperfect and copies of the ideas, their reproduction in art must be more imperfect. He believed that the works of art takes man away from reality rather than leading to it. It neither helped to mould the character nor to promote the well being of the state. These were the basic principles underlined behind Plato’s critics on arts in general. Plato criticizes poetry in several of his dialogues, beginning with Apology, his first work, and ending with Laws, his last. Plato’s critics on poetry are basically concerned of two standards. The first concern was for the good of the individual and the state. Based on this standard he finds in poetry more to condemn it than approve. Same like his concepts about the other types of arts, his concepts about poetry also was under severe critic due to its unrealistic nature and its incapacity to be worthy to the society and individual. He severely condemned the incapacity of the art forms to get in to the roots/ reality and being concerned with only the twice removed reality. This was the first standard he used to condemn the poetry and other art forms in general. He attacked poetry on four grounds—moral, emotional, intellectual and utilitarian. Poetic inspiration: Poets does not write what he has thought to say, but because he is inspired. It means they do not compose the poem based on some virtue and reason, but based on some impulses and non rational kind coming from supernatural source. A sudden outpouring of the soul based on the sudden impulse of the moment does not be based on reason. Hence their pronouncements are unreliable and uncertain. They are not safe guides and it cannot be followed, it also cannot make the individuals a better citizens and the state a better organization. There might be some truth in them, for they are divinely inspired, but such partial and imperfect truths must be carefully examined. Such truths cannot use as substitute for knowledge based on reason. As the poems are based on the ‘divinely inspired’ and completely based on inspiration, sometimes the poets themselves cannot explain what they write. Another aspect of poetry which he criticizes is, the imitation or blind reliance on the passionate elements of the soul. He Plato divides the soul into three parts: (1) rational, (2) spirited, (3) appetitive. The imitation of the non rational part of the soul will give grater pleasure. The poets and the other artists imitates this baser, non rational part of the soul, and it leads them to away from reality and reason and become merely indulged in emotional outburst. The poets will be ashamed in their real life of the emotional over pouring which takes place during their poetic or other artistic performances. He condemns poetry in Republic X, for the poets, â€Å"they feed and water the passions instead of drying them up, and let them rule instead of ruling them as they ought to be ruled, with a view to the happiness and virtue of ‘mankind.† Based on all these ideas he strongly condemned poetry and argued that poetry cannot take the place of philosophy. The emotional appeal of poetry: Plato’s another charge against poetry is its appeal to the emotion. Being a product of inspiration, it effects emotion rather than reason, the heart rather than intellect. Emotions being just impulses like the poetic inspiration it cannot be trusted and act as safe guide as reason. The poetry at the time of Plato was tragic, in which the weeping and wailing were indulged to move the hearts of the spectators. He says in the republic â€Å"for f we let our own sense of pity grow strong by feeding upon the griefs of others, it is not easy to restrain it in the case of our own sufferings†. Non moral character. Plato’s another criticism against poetry is its lack of concern with morality. Poetry (and drama) is not conducive to social morality as poets pander to the popular taste and narrate tales of man's pleasant vices. Poe ts tell lies about gods. Gods and their representative heroes are represented as corrupt, immoral and dishonest in the epics of the poets (especially of Homer). This pervert public taste and morality. Children tend to imitate the doings of gods and other heroes as told to them by their mothers, they fashion their own conduct on what they read. It also hurt him to see virtue often coming to grief in the literature esteemed in his days – epics of Homer, narrative verse of Hesiod and tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides. He says in republic â€Å"they give us to understand that many evil livers are happy and many righteous men unhappy†. Plato attacks poetry on intellectual grounds as well: poets have no knowledge of truth, for they imitate appearances and not the truth of things, illusions instead of reality. Poets, like painters, imitate the surface of things. Beyond the world of the senses there is another world, the world of ideal reality, where concepts, like truth, virtue, beauty, etc. , exist in an ideal form. Poetry is the product of futile ignorance. The poet who imitates without really knowing what he is imitating is demonstrating both his lack of useful purpose and his lack of knowledge. At last Plato says that â€Å"no poetry should be admitted save hymns to the gods and panegyrics on famous men. † The poets may be honoured, but they must be banished from his ideal state.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Analog vs. Digital

Analog vs. Digital Analog vs. Digital Analog vs. Digital By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between analog and digital, and why is the latter word, which originally referred to fingers, now the antithesis of â€Å"hands-on†? An analog is something related to physical quantities (hence the name; analog comes from a Greek word meaning â€Å"proportion†): An analog clock, for example, shows the passage of time by measuring it with a â€Å"hand† that pivots on a central axis, while a measuring tape represents the length of a tangible phenomenon such as a room’s dimensions. By contrast, digital refers to a device’s reading of binary units, zeros and ones, to perform functions and to the storage of information as binary units rather than an analog recording medium such as magnetic ribbon. Ironically, however, digit stems from the Latin term digitus, meaning â€Å"finger† or â€Å"toe.† The path from appendages to algorithms involves the use of fingers to count, thus the extension of the definition of digit to â€Å"number below ten.† The use of zeros and tens as the basis of the on-off duality of binary computer systems led the technology to be referred to as digital technology. Indeed, the word bit, referring to the basic unit of digital information, is a contraction of the phrase â€Å"binary digit.† The adjective digital now refers both to something done or having to do with fingers (for example, â€Å"digital manipulation†) and something related to digitally rendered numbers, or to computerized data or to electronics. Two other terms with the same root word are digitalis, referring to a plant popularly known as the foxglove and to a medicine extracted from it, and prestidigitation, a sesquipedalian synonym for magic. Digitalis is a Latinized form of the German word fingerhut (â€Å"thimble†), because of the resemblance of the plant’s flowers to the sewing implement. Prestidigitation, meanwhile, is another Latin-looking invention influenced by prestige, which comes from the Latin word praestigiae, â€Å"juggler’s tricks.† (Prestige acquired a laudatory meaning and connotation only in the early twentieth century.) It’s a combination of the Italian word presto and digit hence, â€Å"quick fingers.† Analog, meanwhile, calls to mind its full-form predecessor analogue (which spelling for the adjectival form is also preferred in British English), which means â€Å"something similar.† An analogy is also a similarity, or it can refer to a correspondence or to another form of comparison. Analogous is the adjectival form. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:25 Subordinating ConjunctionsDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Wood vs. Wooden

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Quotes

'The Adventure of Tom Sawyer' Quotes The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a novel by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens). The book is a Bildungsroman, following the development of a young boy, as he experiences one adventure after another. Mark Twains work is told in the third person, looking back with a sense of nostalgia. Here are a few quotes from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. I aint doing my duty by that boy, and thats the Lords truth, goodness knows. Spare the rod and spile the child, as the Good Book says. Im a-laying up sin and suffering for us both, I know. Hes full of the Old Scratch, but laws-a-me! hes my own dead sisters boy, poor thing, and I aint got the heart to lash him, somehow. Every time I let him off, my conscience does hurt me so, and every time I hit him my old heart most breaks.- Mark Twain, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 1He was not the Model Boy of the village. He knew the model boy very well thoughand loathed him.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 1Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2He had discovered a great law of human action , without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2 Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and. Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do.- Mark Twain,  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2Tom was a glittering hero once more-the pet of the old, the envy of the young. His name even went into immortal print, for the village paper magnified him. There were some that believed he would be President, yet, if he escaped hanging.- Mark Twain, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 2Often, the less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 5The minister gave out his text and droned along monotonously through an argument that was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod - and yet it was an argument that dealt in limitless fire and brimstone and thinned the predestined elect down to a company so small as to be hardly worth the saving.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 5Huckleberry was cordially hated and dreaded by all the m others of the town because he was idle, and lawless, and vulgar, and bad - and because all their children admired him so, and delighted in his forbidden society, and wished they dared to be like him.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 6   You only just tell a boy you wont ever have anybody but him, ever ever ever, and then you kiss and thats all. Anybody can do it.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 7The elastic heart of youth cannot be compressed into one constrained shape long at a time.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 8They said they would rather be outlaws a year in Sherwood Forest than President of the United States forever.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 8Five years ago you drove me away from your fathers kitchen one night, when I come to ask for something to eat, and you said I warnt there for any good; and when I swore Id get even with you if it took a hundred years, your father had me jailed for a vagrant. Did you think Id forget? The Injun blood aint in me for nothing. And now Ive got you, and you got to settle, you know!- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 9Oh, they just have a bully time - take ships, and burn them, and get the money and bury it in awful places in their island where theres ghosts and things to watch, it, and kill everybody in the ships - make em walk a plank. they dont kill the women - theyre too noble. And the womens always beautiful, too.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 13 There was no getting around the stubborn fact that taking sweetmeats was only hooking, while taking bacon and hams and such valuables was plain simple stealing - and there was a command against that in the Bible. So they inwardly resolved that so long as they remained in the business, their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 13Here was a gorgeous triumph; they were missed; they were mourned; hearts were breaking on their account; tears were being shed; accusing memories of unkindnesses to these poor lost lads were rising up, and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged: and best of all, the departed were the talk of the whole town, and the envy of all the boys, as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned. This was fine. It was worth being a pirate, after all.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 14As the service proceeded, the clergyman drew such pictures of the graces, the winning ways, and the rare promise of the lost lads, that every soul there, thinking he recognized these pictures, felt a pang in remembering that he had persistently blinded himself to them always before, and had as persistently seen only faults and flaws in the poor boys.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 17 What a hero Tom was become now! He did not go skipping and prancing, but moved with a dignified swagger, as became a pirate who felt that the public eye was on him. And indeed it was; he tried not to seem to see the looks or hear the remarks as he passed along, but they were food and drink to him.- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 18I could forgive the boy, now, if hed committed a million sins!- Mark Twain,  The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 19Huck Finns wealth and the fact that he was now under the Widow Douglass protection introduced him into society-no, dragged him into it, hurled him into it-and his sufferings were almost more than he could bear. The widows servants kept him clean and neat, combed and brushed... He had to eat with knife and fork; he had to use napkin, cup, and plate; he had to learn his book, he had to go to church; he had to talk so properly that speech was become insipid in his mouth; whithersoever he turned, the bars and shackles of civilization shut him in and bound him hand and foot.- Mark Twain, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Ch 35 Study Guide The Adventure of Tom Sawyer Review

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment Example It has a melancholic touch along with inspiration of moving on; in it. However, the author’s aim has been to depict how life moves on and requires the people to do the same. Sexiest discrimination within the same ethnicity, human needs as women, consequences of sex, forced sex turning into rape were the moving topics of it. Through which, Shange painted a true picture of life lived by black women and the treatment they receive from black male members of their own ethnicity. Their pains as diseases, attachment and detachment, all a play of emotions. Shange’s viewpoint was to highlight the sentimental dependence and enslavement of black women without identity and the true hidden colors of brightness in these women, which are often neglected. Shange through different colors portrayed different challenges faced by black women like love, sex, abortion, rape and moment of realization (un acceptance of giving up to the people and circumstances) and finally realizing the happin ess, within oneself when one confronts the feeling of disappointment. Thus, the experience of sharing challenges collectively shows the power of community and sisterhood. Shange’s aim was to show the universal truth about life and its relevance. On the other hand, Tyler Perry’s version lacked the true essence of the plot. It was viewed from a typical angle and directed in the similar manner. It has lacked the beauty of up heaving the audience; limited expression of actresses and enforced chunks of direction put together; was unable to justify the classical work of art. Alterations in the sequence of the poems and additions according to his melodramatic views, somehow managed to depict the opposing image of Shange’s approach of sensation intermingled with the beauty of acceptance. Although the rape scene did some justice to the play, as it showed the actress looking at the clock, which depicted the moments; one wants to speed away rather than freeze and make suff ering more long and unforgettable. Shange’s version had 6 women, nameless identified only through the colors of rainbow and the seventh of brown color; showed as a dark patch in a woman’s life. Blue lady struggled with the dilemma of abortion and red faced domestic violence. The ending however, enlightens the power of womanhood and sisterhood and showed the optimistic version of downfall lives of African American Women. On the other hand Perry’s version mainly showed the pessimistic side and the ending was horrific, which showed the drastic ending of all the eight black women. Through the use of 14 original poems from Shange’s version, he clipped most of them according to his own version, which wasn’t exactly ravishing and inspiring. The typical lines of Perry’s version said by Janet Jackson were, â€Å"I know I have issues with trust† (For colored girls, 2011). Tyler Perry’s describes his adaption of â€Å"for the colored gir ls†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.† As a picture of surrender which completely negated Shange’s idea of acceptance and call of recognition.   Whoopi Goldberg, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Jurnee Smollett, Macy Gray, Phylicia Rashad, Kimberly Elise and Kerry Washington , were the leading black women, who depicted the ladies of Shange’s rainbow color women. However, these ladies were unable to do the justice with poetic

Friday, November 1, 2019

Research Methodology for Matrix management Thesis

Research Methodology for Matrix management - Thesis Example The findings of the research would provide insight on how companies apply the principle of matrix structure to properly implement the roles of the employees in order to maintain smooth operations due to efficient coordination of function. The right choice of research design to be employed in a study is an important factor to consider because the appropriate instruments or tools as well as strategies to undertake greatly depend on it. Hence, in general the research methodology utilized for this research study is a mixed research. Since it both involved qualitative and quantitative research, this also involved various combinations of research instruments which are significant in gathering needed data and information. Therefore, for better understanding, a brief overview to mixed research as well as to qualitative and quantitative research will be provided in the succeeding part. Mixed research is considered as the third form of research design used in research studies. It is described as a type of research which involved more than one method such combination of qualitative and quantitative method, a mix of quantitative, or a mix of qualitative method. Since its evolution it becomes preferred for use by several researchers because it allows them to collect, analyze, and integrate/mix both the quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or in multiple/series of studies in a sustained program of inquiry. In addition, the advantages of this method outnumbered its disadvantages and even provide opportunities as long as the research is conducted properly. There are two types of mixed research method: the mixed model research and the mixed method research. The mixed model research The mixed model research is commonly utilized by researchers when he/she wants to mixed within or across the stages the quantitative and qualitative approaches in the research process (South Alabama University, 2011). Mixed within This mixed model is so called when the research er combined or mixed the qualitative and quantitative approaches in one or more stages of the research. For instance, the researcher employed two different research instruments to separately gather qualitative and quantitative data. Like close-ended or checklist questionnaire for the quantitative and open-ended interview for qualitative data (SAU, 2011) Mixed across In like manner, the mixed across model are more suitable when the researcher utilized only one approach to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data. For this method, the most applicable research instrument to be employed is open-ended interviews wherein the quantitative data would be obtain through grouping the responses and counting the number of times they occur in the interview. Likewise, the narrative result of the interview will served as the source for the needed qualitative data